Since the end of the last century, every now and then a new 8bit music video appears. With a great variety of quality, as always there’re some gems included. With the mainstream 8bit retro hype, peaking during the late nineties, this genre was quite hot for a while. Even though the mainstream has abandoned this domain, quite a few people are still working with it.
We’ve covered more music videos in the past, like Move your feet by Shynola, Vale Tutto leader by Fullscream, both great examples of interpreting 8bit aesthetics into new forms. Where some videos have the obvious Super Mario / platform game references for retro’s sake, these videos have an original approach to it.
Also being different to ‘retro’, are most of the artists creating these music videos, their style of approach does not rely on any idea of ‘retro trends’, rather acknowledge their cultural heritage and taking it from there.
From the great number of 8bit music videos circling around the internet, here’s a selection of ten.
Golden Shower: Video computer system
Designed and animated by Lobo in 2001. Music by Golden Shower. Lobo is one of the most famous motion design agencies worldwide, from Brasil.
Golden Shower: Total control
Designed, directed and animated by Lobo in 2001. Music by Golden Shower. Technically not 8bit, yet very much inspired by.
YMCK: Cette Annee by Beergarden
Designed, directed and animated by Beergarden. Music by YMCK.
YMCK: La La is Love by Beergarden
Designed, directed and animated by Beergarden. Music by YMCK.
Blip Festival 2008: The Promo
Designed and animated by Plasticflesh, directed by Minusbaby in 2008.
Goto80: L-V–SC-LD-RTH-ND–TH by Raquel Meyers
Designed, directed and animated by Raquel Meyers in 2009, music by Goto80.
Jellica and Dr Dru: I WLD DI 4 U by Raquel Meyers
Designed, directed and animated by Raquel Meyers in 2008. Music by Jellica and Dr Dru.
Los Punsetes: 2 POLICÍAS by Raquel Meyers
Designed, directed and animated by Raquel Meyers in 2008. Music by Los Punsetes.
ZX Orchestra: Look & Listen
Creator unknow. Done in 2006.
Pedro Marin: I will glam by Great Works
A music video on teletext. Done by Great Works. More information here. Found at todayandtommorow.
Comtron – M.O.N.E.Y. by SanderFocus
A bit of a shameless plug: Comtron / M.O.N.E.Y. Designed, directed and animated by SanderFocus (yours truly) in 2007. Music by Comtron.
Feel free to mail me your video tips, we will get back to this subject in the future.

You missed one of my personal favs —
Not really missed it :) We did an article on that one earlier. (as mentioned in the article)
Oh, that Golden Shower videoclip… I watched it once at mtv, i think. I’m from Brazil, by the way! :) All those videoclips are awesome!
Not to mention Little Computer People…
I’ll be willing to suggest “horse the band” with “bunnies”
It might be a bit more hi res than 8 bit, but i like it :)
Waooow! Really, really, really nice videos! ckeck comments too!
Thank you.
(8-BIT Waterslide in REAL LIFE!)
This one is funny too !
During Keane’s live show last year they had this background video during ‘Again and Again’ which was all in 8-bit and featured various loader- and game over-screens. I’ve been trying to find it but no luck so far. :/
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